Customer Testimonials

"Amazing company!!! Extremely professional and truly care about their clients. The owner has extensive knowledge and experience that you can't beat."
- Ashley Facebook Review 
"Use GreenPro of the Carolinas and you will not be disappointed! The knowledge, expertise and customer service is superb. If you want a lawn you and your family can enjoy all year long, call GreenPro of the Carolinas today!!"
- Michael Facebook Review 
We have only had a handful of applications with Green Pro because we started later in the spring, after we realized our run-of-the mill store bought spray and pellets were not working, but now our grass quality and color has improved immensely, it has filled in some bare spots nicely, too. It almost feels lush, if centipede grass can ever feel lush :) I don't know why we didn't have him out sooner!"
- DeAnn Facebook Review 
"You have to use them!!! My yard is beautiful!"
- Kristin Facebook Review